Self-hypnosis healing class

Learn how to heal and improve your life

Self-hypnosis is a powerful tool for relaxing your mind and body, healing yourself, and creating new and healthy patterns in your life. Through levels 1 - 3, you'll learn how to hypnotize yourself to relax, heal the subconscious mind, self-improve, and connect with the Divine Self for inner guidance. 

Self-hypnosis healing class is beneficial for anxiety, stress, lack of confidence, fear, physical and emotional pains, and many more to clear the mind and connect with yourself. Each class is one day, and we have classes in English or Japanese. The class is for healing and improvement for yourself, and it's not intended to hypnotize others. To learn more about hypnotherapy, click here.

Self-Hypnosis Level 1

Learn how to relax the mind and body

In self-hypnosis healing level 1, you will be introduced to self-hypnosis, learn how the mind works, and how to hypnotize yourself to reduce stress and create new and healthy patterns in your life.  

You will learn:

  • How the mind works - What is the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind?
  • Basics of hypnotherapy - What is hypnotherapy, and how it works
  • Structure of healing levels - How healing works on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels
  • How to hypnotize yourself - Learn multiple methods of hypnosis
  • Suggestibility test - Witness the mind and body connection
  • How to create effective affirmations/self-hypnosis scripts for self-improvement and manifestation
  • How to use imagery, colors, and words for healing
  • Self-hypnosis practice for relaxation and self-improvement

Tuition is $500. The next Level 1 class will be on October 5, 2024.

Self-Hypnosis Level 2

Heal your past memories and emotions

In level 2, you will learn how to heal your past wounds for mental and emotional healing.

You will learn:

  • Dymanics between inner-child, inner-parent, and traumas
  • How to use self-hypnosis to regress time to heal inner-child and the memories 
  • How to release emotions and old mental patterns from the subconscious mind
  • Soul loss and how to retrieve your soul from the past
  • How to use imagery, colors, and affirmation for emotional and mental healing
  • Self-hypnosis practice for healing the past and creating new patterns

Tuition is $550. The prerequisite is Self-Hypnosis Healing Level 1 and at least 21 days of daily self-hypnosis healing practice after taking the Level 1 class. 

The next Level 2 class will be in the fall of 2024.

Self-Hypnosis Level 3

Oneness with the Universe

In level 3, you'll learn how to connect with your higher-self and the universal oneness.

You will learn:

  • How to connect with your higher-self and spirit guides through self-hypnosis for receiving spiritual guidance and messages
  • Healing & opening the heart for Oneness
  • How to align the 5th-dimensional consciousness in your daily life
  • Various types of spirit guides, light beings, and high-dimensional beings for your needs in your spiritual path

Tuition is $700. The prerequisite is Self-Hypnosis Healing Level 2 and at least 90 days of self-hypnosis healing practice after taking the Level 2 class. 

The next Level 3 class will be at the beginning of 2025.

Join our Reiki level 1 & 2 classes in the fall!