Reiki and Yoga. What is life force energy?

What is Reiki? How do Reiki and Yoga work together?

Reiki (靈氣)- Rei 靈 is the divine spirit from the Source which brings Ki 氣, the life force energy, through all living beings in the Universe. Reiki is Love that comes from our divine aspect, and it unites the separation and fragmentation that we see on this planet earth where we experience the polarity in our inner beings. Through many challenges in life, we begin to heal and remember that we are Love in essence and are only here to expand and share who we are as an extension of Love. The process of realizing ourselves as Divine beings will help us observe our protective self (ego, separation) and choose our life in the direction of Yoga (union and harmony) within us and around us. 

Uniting separation and isolation – Yoga

Separation and isolation are unconsciously created as the protection of the divine part of you to survive in the world. It’s a product of the environment and culture that we subconsciously accept if we’re not aware of. Similarly, fear and anxiety are the sub-product of separation for example. Then, how can we unite the separation between soul and ego to create harmony in oneness? What they need is the greater love and kindness to be held as a whole. When you are able to accept all parts of you as a human experiencing life in the yin and yang polarity, you’re on the path of uniting self to Oneness.

In summary, learning Reiki and Yoga is a practice of love and harmony. As a result of the union, more life force energy runs through you and you can start healing yourself and others. To start your healing process, you can schedule your Reiki session or take a Reiki Training Class with me.

“ Kindness is the light that dissolves all walls between souls, families, and nations.”  ― Paramahansa Yogananda